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Historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. called the Cuban Missile crisis, \"the most dangerous moment in human history.\" Bruce Allyn was five years old when it happened but in 1989 would organize and participate in a Moscow meeting with the key living members of the 1962 crisis: Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, the former U.S. Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin, and Sergei Khrushchev, who had edited the secret memoirs of his father, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. The United States was represented at the meeting by former U.S. Defense Secretary Bob McNamara, former National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and former Kennedy Special Counsel Ted Sorensen. Fidel Castro sent his top Politburo member and a key Army General to the Moscow meeting and he then personally hosted the fascinating final dialogue in Havana. THEEDGEOFARMAGEDDON

在大佬横行的学校,身为校霸的咱突然成了女孩子……在线求救 永远保持谦虚之心

\"尹浩,霍勒国的王子,身份高贵为了国家的长治久安,,受到霍勒国的帝皇要求迎娶了大夕国的长宁公主。原本只是政治联姻的两人并无太多感情。可是在大夕国的这些时子时,长宁公主被尹浩的宽广的胸襟和勇敢征服了。是的,长宁公主也深深的爱上了这个英俊的霍勒国的王子。然而,就在皇帝下旨两人完婚时,国内却发生了意想不到的事…… 二人能否携手共同度过难关,化解危机呢…… 等狼烟消失,战火平息后,生活又回到了平静。然而,我们的英雄们是否也想要一个安稳的世外桃源?是的,英雄要离开心爱的战马,归隐田原,这才是真正的人生吧。当把红尘看尽后,沉静才是心灵的家原…? 烽火九幽

在金融危机袭来的时候,我听见越来越多身边的人在谈论销售。毋庸置疑,销售在经济社会中是一种及其重要的社会活动。没有销售,就没有订单,机器就无法运转,工人就没有工资,企业就没有利润。可以说销售在任何一家企业都是核心部门。 销售圣经

原本在逍遥自在的叶明熙误入了雾林中关于其的传闻一直不是很友好再加上一些乱七八糟的事的发生导致雾林成了人类禁地,可是…… 一个神社怎么会有这样的神啊

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