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《(快穿)拯救男二计划》小说第74章全文免费阅读 。为了让您更好地阅读《(快穿)拯救男二计划第74章》,请您 ,免费阅读(快穿)拯救男二计划第74章完整版全文。

找文啊找文,每一天都在蹲不同大大的坑!可恨的是居然有人弃坑啊!我那个心痛啊,难道真的要逼我在等填坑的时间中凌乱一把么?所以,偶一个不开心就开了一个变相催文的坑。(被我推荐文的大大们请不要大意的更新吧~~~~~~~)PS:跳坑要慎重啊,要慎重(飘走~~~~~~~) HP同人推荐

【追妻火葬场+虐渣+马甲】被离婚,夏青柠表示:摊牌了,不装了。华丽转身,踹翻渣男贱女强行喂的狗粮,顺便按头炫耀她的资产:“在姐姐的地盘上开美术展,还是低调些吧!”白莲花初出场温婉漂亮大方,可却是个莲藕投胎,悄咪咪的就在她身后补刀,一下又一下。夏青柠也没惯着,以牙还牙以眼还眼,偏偏瞎眼前夫还要帮小白莲说话。夏青柠:“您老太闲了?女人撕逼都管!不然我给您找点事儿干干?”之后,莫见尘在商界莫名被针对,投... 离婚后前妻人设崩了

Jack Cooper is an unhappy man—mind, body, and spirit. In the blink of an eye, he has lost his longstanding job to the economy, his mother to illness, and his wife to her secret lover. Beaten, broken, and crippled by tragedy, he withdraws into total isolation, narrowing his life down to the simplest of routines in order to block out the pain. His day begins with a strenuous workout at the Bethesda Health Club, his personal oasis where his mind and body can be free, and ends in his tiny apartment, where he escapes from reality with his books until he can lose himself in sleep. Nothing more, nothing less. That is, until he meets the enigmatic Mike Parrish. Treadmill

亚特兰学园的清晨,总是美好的。 林珂歪着脑袋:“白总,你是恶是善?” 白啸今浅笑:“小珂,你,究竟是人是鬼?” 携手拨开迷雾,面对生死的两人,似乎又回到了原点:他,究竟是敌是友? 烟花消散前的预告


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